November/December: President's Post, Remembering Gladys, Valuing the Volunteers Judy & Larry Whitney, October Workday, Holiday parties, raffle winner Lynn Hall, upcoming events
October 2011: President's post, General Membership Meeting recap, free golf raffle, new board members' profiles, spotlights on James Straughan and Eric Russ, Holiday Party Dec. 10
September 2011: September 11th, President's post, rules tips, awards/K and Q tournament, from the pro, past events (Business League finale, Ladies Luncheon, Junior Golf fundraiser), upcoming events
August 2011: Club Championship winners, President's post, Lott/Pilon results, July 31 Twilight event, Pro tip, August 3 Business League results, August 14 Italian Twilight, August 28 Horse Race, upcoming events (membership raffle, King and Queen event with Awards Banquet, Junior Golf fundraiser golf tournament)
July 2011: President's Cup winners, info on lessons, Business League results, the recent week of golf clinics, a tip from the pro about keeping score (metaphorically and literally), upcoming events, and the end-of-the-month par-3 (!!) tournament
June 2011: President's post, recent happenings, great photos, notes from the membership meeting, rules tip, and nine pages of terrific stuff
May 2011: Business League results, on-course lessons, Lobo golf team, Pink Ball Twilight results, Senior Services tournament, summer golf workshop, rules tip, and much more
April 2011: Tournament information, upcoming events, lessons, a test-your-knowledge quiz, Twilight results, update on equipment maintenance (ever wonder what it takes to keeps those fairways and greens in shape?), …
Winter 2011: Dues, the new roof, clubhouse maintenance, committee reports, Soggy Bottom results (can you believe it — on a sunny day!), bridge, bowling, and more